Dear visitor,


this is not an ordinary genealogical site. This is rather a bottle in the internet Ocean carrying a message to our cousins, scattered all over the planet.


We are not going to publish any descendant tree, although we have drawn plenty of them. Our trees are always work in progress but we prefer not to publish them neither here nor in any other automatic genealogical engine.


We are aware that in the long run ... we ALL are related but we are not interested in endless and cold lists of names and dates. Our aim is to remove some dust from the inevitable oblivion and to bring back to light the small traces of our ancestors and their times, the way we have found by digging into old drawers, archives, parish churches, cemeteries, oral memories...


Should you recognise a name or a situation that could be related with yourself, please contact us !


Please note that we are constantly updating our pages so come and visit us regularly.




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